Rules about and Lessons from the Legal Consequence of Rescission of a Contract in German Civil Code 德国民法典合同解除法律后果的规定与借鉴意义
There is a close relation between rejection of goods and rescission of a contract. 拒绝接受货物与合同解除关系密切。
On the Value of Labor Right to Unilateral Rescission of Labor Contract 劳动者劳动合同单方解除权价值初探
Study on the Rescission of Insurance Contract 保险合同解除制度研究
The system of rescission right of contract in Civil Law System; 大陆法系的合同解除制度;
With the comparative research way the paper explains the defects of the lawful rescission of contract institution on the basis of the study and analysis on the lawful rescission of contract of the substantial law of International Commercial Contract. 本文通过比较研究的方法,在对各国及国际商事合同实体法中的法定解除制度研究、评析的基础上,认为我国合同法定解除制度存在一些不足。
This paper tries to study the application of the system, especially to analysis the procedure and legal result of rescission of contract, and the problems existed in judicial practice. There are three chapters in this paper. 本文试图从合同解除制度的基本原理出发,着重于合同解除制度的运用,尤其是合同解除的程序及法律后果在司法实践中所遇问题的研究,分三章予以论述。
Among civil law countries, French and German systems of rescission right of contract have been chosen for the observation and analysis. 在大陆法系中分别选取了法国和德国两个国家的合同解除制度进行观察分析。
Part one introduces and analyzes the general theory of the rescission right of contract. 第一部分对合同解除权的一般理论加以介绍和分析。
Third, the application rule to the conditions of rescission of the contract. 第三合同解除条件的适用原则。
The legal attribute of the rescission right of contract is emphatically discussed. 重点探讨了合同解除权的法律属性,自权利作用发挥角度而言,合同解除权应归入形成权;
First the paper self-criticisms three contract laws before the Contract Law of China came into force. The Economical Contract Law lacks restrictions on the rescission of contract and neglects function of the contract law as promoting transactions. 首先对我国合同法统一之前的三部合同法澎示检讨,《经济合同法》对合同解除缺乏应有的限制,忽视合同法鼓励交易的功能;
The system of rescission right of contract in international regulations. 国际立法文件中的合同解除制度;
Secondly, this part analyzes the determinant factors for the formation of the rescission right of contract, namely the object, subject and time. 然后对合同解除权是否构成之判定要素做了分析,具体可概括为三项,即主体要素、客体要素和时间要素。
The problem of rescission of contract is one of the most important problems on the study area of contract law, playing an unparalleled role in modern people's life, economical and social contract. 合同解除问题是现代合同法领域的重要研究课题,在现代人们经济生活交往中具有不可替代的地位和作用。
The Contract Law of China adopted two institutions which are peculiar in the system of Anglo-American law: fundamental breach of contract and anticipatory breach of contract and established a perfect system of the lawful rescission of contract. 我国统一合同法吸收了英美法系特有的根本违约制度和预期违约制度,建立了比较完善的合同法定解除制度。
It finds out the deficiency from the rescission of insurance contract. 再就是从保险合同解除的法律规定中,寻找其不足。
Firstly, chapter ⅰ introduces the development of history and the basic theory of the legal rescission of contract. 引言和第一章主要是概述法定解除的发展历史和基本理论。
The thesis tries to make clear the logical links between legal rescission of contract and responsibility of breach of contract and attempts to pursue the optimal judicial remedies for observant party in the case of breach of contract. 同时本文通过明确合同法定解除与违约责任之间逻辑关系,试图解决合同法定解除与违约责任之间关系,力图为守约方寻求到最佳的司法救济途径。
Chapter Two The Development, Evolvement and System Review of the Rescission right of contract. This chapter aims to streamline and dissect the evolvement of the rescission right of contract system and its manifestation in laws among different countries. 第二章、合同解除权之制度演变与规范考察该章对合同解除权制度的演化及其在各国法中的表现进行了集中的梳理和剖析。
At the meantime, the rescission of contract is confirmed in the relevant judicial interpretation of the Supreme Court. 与此同时,合同司法解除得到最高法院相关司法解释的确认。
Lastly, chapter IV explore the ways to improve the system of the legal rescission of contract. 第四章对应第三章所指出的缺陷,探讨我国法定解除制度完善的方法。
If it were of retroactive effect, the contract would no longer exist and there would be no compensation; while if it were of no retroactive effect, potency of legal rescission of contract would refer to future and observant party could come up with compensation. 如果法定解除具有溯及力,合同将不存在就谈不上违约损害赔偿责任;如果法定解除不具有溯及力,法定解除效力仅仅指向未来,守约方可以提出违约损害赔偿责任。
This chapter divides the extinction reasons by the followings two: general reasons and particular reasons and discusses in more detail accordingly. Chapter five: the analysis and optimizing of the legal rescission of Contract. 本部分主要将合同解除权消灭原因分为一般消灭原因和特殊消灭原因,并就此进行了详细的阐述第五部分:合同法定解除权的分析与完善。
In the view of liquidation relationship, the contract still exists after rescission of contract, so the contract rescission and compensation for damages can exist at the same time. 根据清算关系说的观点,合同解除后合同关系继续存在,因此合同解除和损害赔偿应该并存。
Departure from the basic theory of the legal rescission of contract, this paper analysis the problems of the system and give some advices. 本文从法定解除基本理论出发,分析我国该制度存在的问题并提出完善建议。
In the first section of this chapter, the author concentrates on the evolvement process and characteristics of the rescission right of contract in the development of the contractual obligation of Ancient Rome. 在该章第一节,作者集中考察了在罗马法契约之债发展的过程中合同解除权制度的演化轨迹和特征。
Rescission of the contract of marine insurance has a huge impact to the interests of both the parties. 海上保险合同的解除对当事人双方的利益有着巨大影响。
Rescission right of contract the exercise of the principle of its exercise, a period to be discussed. 对于合同解除权的行使方面的内容,以其行使的原则、方式、期限三方面进行论述。
The system of rescission of contract is an important system in the contact law field, whose value lies in protecting the legitimate rights and interests and safeguarding the normal trade order in the market to promote trade. 合同解除制度是合同法领域中的一项重要制度,其重要价值在于保护当事人的合法权益,维护和保障市场正常的交易秩序,促进交易。